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Prosjektnr: 572012
Varighet: 2007 - 2009
Status: Avsluttet

The use of rheotactic and optometry responses in order to slaughter salmon at a rested state

Expected project impactThe low stress restraint-technologies described will be applicable for all stunning-systems as it aims to deliver single fish for individual treatment at a predictable frequency (fish/min) without the use of pumps. The water quality will be homogenous from ...
Prosjektnr: 573024
Varighet: 2007 - 2007
Status: Avsluttet

Avliving av oppdrettslaks på båt - fase 1

Prosjektnr: 131022
Varighet: 2007 - 2007
Status: Avsluttet

Frisk fisk-konferansen 2007

Prosjektnr: 141044
Varighet: 2007 - 2008
Status: Avsluttet

Kunnskapstatus fiskevelferd i havbruk

Prosjektnr: 542042
Varighet: 2007 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

Welfare of Farmed Fish from Harvest to Killing - Meeting the Future Challenge

Expected project impactSummarizing the results by models will provide welfare guidelines for industrial, legislative and scientific communities. The project will also provide solutions to promote the welfare, quality of the product and competitiveness for the farming in ...
Prosjektnr: 542052
Varighet: 2007 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

Decontamination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fishmeal and Fish Oil (DECONTAM)

Expected project impactThe results should reduce the POPs content in fishmeal without loss of protein quality. Additionally, the project will identify optimal conditions for decontamination of the oil used in the process.
Prosjektnr: 552332
Varighet: 2007 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI) in Atlantic Salmon: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Epidemiology

Expected project impact More accurate diagnostic methods, increased knowledge of pathogenesis and the ability to predict the spread of HSMI, may facilitate efficient surveillance and prevention of future HSMI outbreaks.
Prosjektnr: 552342
Varighet: 2007 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

Regulatory Processes of Melanisation in Atlantic Salmon

Melaninflekker i muskulaturen hos laks er en åpenbar problemstilling for næringen som i seg selv koster den flerfoldige millioner kroner i året. Forskning for å komme til bunns i dette problemet, avdekke årsaksforholdene og derved få mulighet til å gjøre noe med problemet er av s ...
Prosjektnr: 552352
Varighet: 2007 - 2009
Status: Avsluttet

The Hardangerfjord Salmon Lice Project

Prosjektnr: 552362
Varighet: 2007 - 2009
Status: Avsluttet

The Impact of Pancreas Disease (PD) on Flesh Quality of Atlantic Salmon

Expected project impactBased on the results obtained, practical guidelines will be established. The guidelines will include recommendation on how salmon with a previous PD diagnosis should be handled. Predominately emphasis will be paid on elucidating the suitability for smoking. ...