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Prosjektnummer: 901638
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 16.04.2020
Sluttdato: 30.11.2020

Studies on moisture levels in clipfish (cod and saithe) and methodologies applied by customs authorities (CLIPTURE) / Dokumentasjon av vanninnhold i klippfisk og saltfisk for eksport til Brasil (CLIPTURE)

Dokumentasjon av målemetoder for vanninnhold som er et viktig bidrag til å sikre markedsadgang for norsk klippfisk i Brasil​
Main findings
• It has been documented that there is an important longitudinal moisture content variance in a piece of splitted clipfish, with much reduced values at the tail part.
Internal variability from companies seems to be low meanwhile there are some evident differences in moisture contents of clipfish between different producers.
From the results of the Codex method the 8/10 size class of dried salted cod has an expected non-compliance rate of a 35%. For the rest of the size classes the rates are lower.
Codex moisture content method is imprecise, high cost and difficult to put into practice in a efficient way by standard laboratories and industries. Suggestions for protocol changes have been laid down.
Present Brazilian method gets, in average, a 1,6 g/100g higher moisture content result than method laid down in Codex Stan 167-1989. The use of the Brazilian method may lead to unacceptable non-compliance rates at border inspection for the Norwegian industry, so strategies to handle risks of non-compliance at border inspection should be considered by export companies.
Sammendrag​​ av resultater ​​fra prosjektets faglige sluttrapport (Summary in English further below)
Implementeringen av den brasilianske forskriften, som omhandler saltet fisk samt saltet og tørket fisk, innebærer et skille for saltfisk- og klippfiskvarer basert på grad av fuktighetsinnhold. Klassifiseringen innebærer et skille for saltfisk der fuktighetsinnholdet er høyere eller lik 53 g/100 g, og klippfisk med fuktighetsinnhold som er lavere enn 53 %-terskelen. Klassifiseringen medfører ikke bare ulike tollsatser, men gir også kommersielle konsekvenser ved “point of sale” (POS)​. Usikkerhet om hvilken målemetode som anvendes for kontroll av vanninnhold forårsaker handelsproblemer for norsk klippfiskindustri.

For å vurdere avvik i målemetodene som anvendes ble analyse av representative prøver fra tre størrelseskategorier for klippfisk av torsk (8/10, 7/9, 10/12) og klippfisk sei (7/9, 10/12, 16/20) fra seks norske eksportører gjennomført. Resultatene fra bruken av metoden og prøvepreparatet, som er nedfelt i Codex Stan 167-1989, avdekket at middelverdiene for fuktighet for kategoriene er under 53 %, men nærmer seg den kritiske grensen, spesielt for torsk 8/10. Det ble registret en foruroligende grad av manglende overholdelse av den brasilianske forskriften for noen størrelsesklasser, samt betydelig heterogenitet mellom produsenter. 

Enkelte land har i likhet med de brasilianske myndighetene iverksatt forskjellige og spesifikke betingelser for fuktighetsanalyse av klippfisk (gjøres ved prøveuttak). Imidlertid fører bruken av den brasilianske metoden til et gjennomsnitt som er 1,6 g/100 g høyere enn bruken av referansen nedfelt i CODEX-metoden. Derfor vil grensene for manglende overholdelse være betydelig høyere for alle størrelseskategorier. Tverrsnittsmetoden i Codex Stan 167-1989 ble definert for å håndtere den langsgående variansen i fuktighetsinnholdet i klippfisk av torsk, slik det er dokumentert i denne studien. Imidlertid er metoden vanskelig å gjennomføre, og i tillegg kostbar, upresis og vanskelig å ta i bruk for standardlaboratorier. Derfor foreslås endringer i standardprosedyren.

Results achieved
Summary of results from the project’s final reporting
The implementation of the new Brazilian regulation makes a distinction in customs categories for peixe salgado (salted fish) with moisture contents higher or equal to 53 g/100g, or peixe salgado seco (dried salted fish) with moisture contents below this threshold. The appropriate allocation of fish materials to one or other customs item not only entails different tariff duties but also has commercial and labelling implications, causing some trade issues to the Norwegian clipfish industry.

In order to assess the problem, the analysis of representative samples of three size categories for dried salted cod (8/10, 7/9, 10/12) and saithe (7/9, 10/12, 16/20) from six Norwegian exporters has been carried out. Results from the application of the method and sample preparation laid down in Codex Stan 167-1989 reveal that mean moisture levels for the categories are below 53% but approach the critical limit especially for the cod 8/10 size class. Disturbing non-compliance rates to the Brazilian regulation have been registered for some size classes as well as considerable heterogeneity between producers.

Certain countries, like the Brazilian authorities, have implemented different and specific conditions for the analysis of moisture content in salted fish. However, the application of the Brazilian method leads to a mean 1.6 g/100g higher result than the use of the reference Codex Stan 167-1989 method, and therefore the border non-compliance rates would be significantly higher for all size categories.

Codex Stan 167-1989 cross-section method was designed to deal with the longitudinal variance in the moisture content in dried salted cod, as it has been documented in this study. However, it is hard to put into practice, costly, unprecise and difficult to be adopted by standard laboratories, so changes to standard procedure are suggested.​
​Prosjektet har bidratt til å dokumentere den vitenskapelige metodebruken for kontroll av vanninnhold i klippfisk. Endringer i standardprosedyren i Codex og behov for et mer standardisert prøveuttak for vanninnhold i klippfisk mellom eksport/import land er foreslått. Rapporten er av sentral betydning for næringen og for diskusjonsmøter mellom næringsorganisasjonene og offentlige myndigheter. Norges sjømatråd tilrettelegger for halvårlige møter mellom norske og brasilianske myndigheter i den hensikt å jobbe proaktivt for en forutsigbar markedsadgang. Den norske ambassaden anvendes både som døråpner og arena for den bilaterale dialogen. I bunnen ligger forskning og vitenskapelige data som deles med brasilianske myndigheter. Målsettingen er samsvarende regelverk i henhold til internasjonale standarder.​

I dette prosjektet har det blitt lagt stor vekt på formidling av resultatene gjennom ulike kanaler. FHF har sørget for at resultatene er blitt formidlet gjennom foredrag på møter i Ressursgruppe klippfisk og i referansegruppen, i en vitenskapelig artikkel og gjennom møter mellom industri, organisasjonene og forvaltningen. Videre har FHF utlyst et nytt prosjekt for å utvikle en rask og ikke-destruktiv metode for vannmåling i klippfisk med et håndholdt instrument.
Brazil is one of the most important markets for the Norwegian clipfish industry. The Brazilian government made effective the new technical regulation for salted fish and clipfish by publishing the Instruçao Normativa nº1, do 15 de janeiro de 2019. Among others, this regulation listed denominations for different salted fish cuttings, unacceptable defects, and sampling and microbiological criteria to be applied by custom authorities. It also laid down the differentiation between dried-salted fish (peixe salgado seco), which can contain up to 52.9% moisture content, and salted fish (peixe salgado) which may vary between 53% and 58%. The categorization of goods in one or other category leads a different tariff duty.

The FHF project ‘Updating of analytical data for the nutritional labelling of traditional (klipfish, saltfish, stockfish) fish / Revisjon av analysedata om næringsinnhold i konvensjonelle produkter (klippfisk, saltfisk og tørrfisk)’ (FHF-901307) updated the analytical data of four species of dried salted fish exported by Norwegian companies. Among other results the average moisture contents of dried-salted fish was measured. The moisture method used and the sample preparation was based on the cross-sectional method of the Portuguese Decreto Lei 25/2005 (Decreto Lei nº 25/2005 de 28 de janeiro do Ministério da Agricultura, Pescas e Florestas. Diário da República – I Série-A. Nº20), but with some modifications.

Some companies informed of certain discrepancy on the analytical methodologies to measure moisture content put into force by different Brazilian customs offices, and these different criteria​​​ may have been causing uncertainty and customs issues to the Norwegian industry.

The Brazilian Agriculture Ministry (Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) includes in its Manual de Métodos Oficiais para Análise de Alimentos de Origem Animal (Official method manual for the analysis of food products from animals) detail of the procedure that should be implemented by official Brazilian laboratories (LFDAs and accredited). This document acknowledges either ISO1442:1997 or AOAC 2008.06 as valid general methods to determine the moisture content in general food samples; but, considers the AOAC 950.46B (Moisture in meat) method as the one to be applied to salted and dried salted fish products. Nonetheless, a reference method for the determination of moisture content in food products from an animal origin (MET POA/SLAV/27/03/01) is available at the archive of methods from the Brazilian Ministry website , but it is obsolete at present. This reference determines different sample weigh and drying conditions for each type of food sample, that are similar, but do not match, the AOAC 950.46 criteria; and it does not address the sample preparation for analysis.

The previously cited Brazilian manual for the analysis of food products from animals (MET POA/SLAV/27/03/01) represents the only reference available for the sample preparation of salted and dried-salted fish in Brazil (section 5.1.3). Even though it lays down that the cross-section method described in the CODEX-STAN 167-1989 can be implemented, but it also includes some additional methodological aspects that are somehow contradictory to this reference and can eventually lead to misunderstanding by laboratory operators.

Despite the moisture content method is probably one of the simplest physical-chemical methods to be applied on food, there are some discrepancies between methods, especially in the laboratory sample preparation.

To widen knowledge about clipfish materials for better labelling and trade is within the priorities of the ‘clipfish and saltfih’ sector in 2020. As a tool to potential trade issues and promote fairness, effectivity and homogeneity in the inspection of imported clipfish by custom authorities in third countries, the objectives of this proposal become necessary.  

Based on the arguments stated above, the Norwegian clipfish and saltfish industry considered it necessary to extend the studies carried out in the former FHF project FHF-901307, mentioned above, for cod and saithe moisture levels and its variation among producers. A comparison between different methodologies seems also necessary in order to unveil potential methodological variance in the evaluation of the imported lots by the Brazilian authorities. Finally, since cross-section methods are commonly applied to salted and dried salted fish, it has been also considered of interest to define the degree of variation in the fish length.

The project will fully be executed at the Advanced Center of Research Technologies for Marine and Food Industry (CYTMA) belonging to ANFACO-CECOPESCA.

ANFACO-CECOPESCA’s testing laboratories are accredited in accordance to Standard UNE EN ISO 17025 by the ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Body), with accreditation numbers 96/LE230 (SCOPE OF THE 96/LE230 ACCREDITATION)-Agrifood analysis). The ENAC being a signer of the EA (European Cooperation for Accreditation) Multilateral Agreement on the mutual reliability with regard to testing, as well as the technical examination it involves, this accreditation means that the accredited tests coming from ANFACO-CECOPESCA are valid to any of the signing countries in this agreement. ANFACO-CECOPESCA's laboratories have a large list of certifications and acknowledgements by national and international authorities to perform official controls in foodstuff, technical assistance, R&D and training activities.
1. To provide, with a scientific approach, the difference between moisture methodologies and consequent deviation acceptance used as a basis for correct labelling of clipfish or saltfish exported to Brazil.
2. To document nonconformities/variation in test results due to size and species.
3. To compare differences in moisture evaluation derived from the application of the Annex B of CODEX STAN 167-1989 versus current Brazilian methodology.
4. To calculate the variation degree in moisture content in a split clipfish piece.
5. To define a new sampling procedure that could be easier, avoids misunderstandings and show same results as the cross-sectional method from CODEX STAN 167-1989–Annex B.
6. To write a scientific publication to be used by the industry when meeting food authorities in Norway and in Brazil.
Expected project impact
The extension of the studies on the moisture levels in the final products will bring more confidence to data reducing uncertainty of Norwegian clipfish exporters at border inspection.

Detailed information on the methods performance will also help discussion about their suitability to clipfish inspection and understand the differences on the results when different methodologies are applied. The information gathered can also help to update, simplify and homogenize criteria on the application of moisture content methods to clipfish and saltfish, not only to the industry but also to the authorities in Brazil and Norway.
Project design and implementation
The project consists of four tasks:

Task 1: Sampling 
Sampling will be carried out by Norwegian producers and co-ordinated by FHF with the assistance of ANFACO-CECOPESCA. Dried salted samples will be supplied by Norwegian companies and shipped to Vigo (Spain) under the common co-ordination of FHF and ANFACO-CECOPESCA.

The number of fish has been defined for each one of the objectives. Studies are focused only in cod (Gadus morhua) and saithe (Pollachius virens). Several Norwegian companies will participate in the studies. Sampling will also include size categories; 3 size categories for cod (7/9, 8/10, and 10/12) and 3 size categories for saithe (7/9, 10/12, and 16/20). Each of the categories will include up to 20 total samples for each category in order to get statistically significant results.

Upon reception all samples will be categorized and labelled according to analytical planning. Materials will be maintained at the cool chamber (2ºC) appropriately packed to prevent moisture loss until analysis.

​Task 2: Determination of average moisture contents in clipfish its variation.
Four samples in each of the size categories will be analyzed. The method to be applied is the cross–sectional method included in Annex B of Codex Stan 167-1999, specially to what concerns to the laboratory sample preparation. This reference considerably varies from the accredited method at ANFACO-CECOPESCA and special plates will be used to process a higher amount of sample.

Since the 8/10 size category in cod sampling will also be part of Task 3, two replicates of each sample will be carried out and the averaged results will be considered.  

Task 3: Method performance comparison and moisture variance in fish length
This task will compare the performance of two method references; the Codex method and the moisture content method applied by the Brazilian authorities. Only cod samples from one defined size category (8/10) from the 5 different suppliers will be analyzed in duplicates. Reciprocally to what was mentioned above, the results of the CODEX method will also be utilized in Task 1.

From the same fish utilized for the method comparison, three additional sections of 25 mm will be prepared. The anterior cross-section will be selected at the pectoral fin (just after), the medium at half the distance between the line at the ear bones and the cleft of the tail, and the posterior at the annus (just after). After excluding bone and skin, each of three sections will be mechanically grinded and analyzed following the MET POA/SLAV/27/03/01. After being weighed for drying the three samples will be homogenized making up the sample that would represent the entire fish in the method comparison. This aggregate sample will be analyzed in the same way, and simultaneously as the other three samples, but in this case for duplicate.

Task 4: Project co-ordination, data analysis and reporting
This task includes all aspects related to project task monitoring, contact and discussion, project plan changes and communication to FHF including the submission of documents related to project management. This task also addresses the data analysis, the development of the deliverables, factsheets or presentations that could be necessary for the appropriate dissemination of the project. ​
​Dissemination of the project will be carried through the FHF channels and the relevant industry meetings and info-sheets. The deliverables are also intended as reference documents to be included in discussions between Norwegian authorities and other third countries´ bodies. 