Økt bærekraft i lakseoppdrett ved å løse flaskehalser i oppdrett av triploid laks / Solving bottlenecks in triploid salmon production - a way to strengthen the sustainability of the salmon aquaculture industry
Summary from the project’s final report
The current project aimed to study how triploid salmon are able to regulate their gene expressional out-put to a similar level as in diploids, and to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the induction of skeletal deformities and cataracts and the reduced thermal tolerance of triploid Atlantic salmon.
The project has showed that triploid Atlantic salmon shows non-additive gene expression. Further the general mechanism of non additive expression does not seem to be due to hypermethylation of the whole genome. Although some specific changes in methylation seems to occur possibly related to protein turnover heart formation, bone/cartilage formation and micro RNA regulation. The results show that the differences in gene regulation is very complex, and may differ between tissues. Further studies should focus on one tissue only.
Both postsmolt and adult triploids perform similarly or better than triploids at low temperatures and poorer at high temperatures. It is suggested that triploid Atlantic salmon post-smolts and adults have a similar energy metabolism during varying environments, but differ homeostatically in their physiological response to suboptimal conditions. Nonetheless similar or even better performance at lower water temperatures could favour the use of triploid Atlantic salmon not only in open net pen aquaculture in geographical areas with moderate maximum water temperatures, but also in closed flow-through systems with sufficient oxygen levels throughout the year.
In freshwater, a grave cataract outbreak was recorded in groups at 16°C, although with a reduced severity in both ploidies when fed a high histidine diet. At 10°C, ploidy and diet groups performed similarly to each other with respect to growth and mortality, however triploid status and low dietary histidin were associated with increased cataract score.
When fed 0.6 per cent P from 3 g, triploids had lower vertebra ash content than diploids at 10 and 30 g, but had reach the level of diploids at 75 g size. The parallel increase in vertebra Ash between diploids and triploids between 10 and 30 g, when feed 0.6 per cent P throughout, points to that the period between 3 and 10 g is most critical for triploids. There was a tendency for triploids having lower vertebra ash content than diploids at 10 g, also when fed the a 1.2 per cent P diet. This study shows that the period between 3 and 10 g seems critical for triploids With regard to dietary P and that available P in this period should be considerably above 0.6 per cent.
Final report: Solving bottlenecks in triploid salmon production: a way to strengthen the sustainability of the salmon aquaculture industry
Institute of Marine Research. Report 25-2015. January 2016. By Tom Hansen et al.
Det finnes ikke noe kunnskap om hvordan triploid fisk regulerer genene sine, eller om genene fra morfisken er mer uttrykt enn genene fra hannfisken. I et nylig avsluttet EU-prosjekt (Salmotrip) er det vist at triploid laks (3 årsklasser) vokser likt som eller bedre en diploid laks ved moderate temperaturer, mens veksten er redusert ved høy temperatur og ved lav oksygenmetning i sjøvann. Det er i tillegg observert et generelt høyere innslag av skjelettdeformasjoner og tidvis mer katarakt hos triploid laks. Det er mye som tyder på at lidelsene kan være knyttet til forskjeller i fosfor (deformasjoner) og histidin (katarakt) metabolisme mellom triploid og diploid laks.
Å øke kunnskapen om miljøsensitiviteten hos triploid laks og hvilke bakenforliggende forhold knyttet til temperatur og fôr som er nødvendig for å opprettholde velferd og produksjon.
1. Å sammenligne genregulering hos diploid og triploid laks.
2. Å undersøke ytelses- og velferdsmarkører hos triploid relativ til diploid postsmolt (ca. 200 g) og voksen (+1,5 kg) laks over hele temperaturspekteret (2–19 °C) som laks opplever i kommersielt oppdrett.
3. Å definere kritiske hypoksiske forhold (oksygenmangel) og potensielle forskjeller mellom triploid og diploid laks i håndtering av miljøinteraksjoner mellom temperatur og oksygenmengde.
4. Å undersøke mekanismene som styrer utvikling av skjelettdeformasjoner og katarakt hos triploid laks, og om disse lidelsene kan forhindres ved hjelp av spesialiserte dietter og fôringsregimer.
Final report: Solving bottlenecks in triploid salmon production: a way to strengthen the sustainability of the salmon aquaculture industry
Institute of Marine Research. Report 25-2015. January 2016. By Tom Hansen et al.