Verdien av optimal markedstilpasset høsting av NVG-sild
This research project suggests that more quotas should be allocated to the seasons when the market demand levels are higher and consumers are less price sensitive to more added herring volume. We find that demand for the Norwegian herring are more elastic both at export level and fishermen level between September and December, compared to that between January and February. In the recent years between 2006 and 2010, the demand levels are also higher between September and December. These results indicate that more quotas should be allocated to the months between September and December. Since the quota in a year is fixed, the results also indicate that less of the quota should be allocated to the season between January and February.
The reasons why both the demand levels are higher and consumers are less price sensitive to the quantity between September and December are complex. It is partly explained by the higher quality of herring between September and December. It might also be related to the convention of herring consumption in the importing countries in special holidays, such as Christmas. Something we should keep in caution is that more allocation of quota between September and December does not mean we should harvest herring as much as possible between these months. As illustrated by the case of 2002 in table 5 of section two, too much supply in October and November dragged the prices in these two months much lower than that in January and February.
By allocating quota optimally, with the average yearly quota of 925 thousand tons between 2006 and 2010, fishermen’s revenue can be increased by 3.7%. The problem of market-oriented becomes more important when the quota is smaller. Our results suggest that when quota is reduced by 10%, and by allocating quota optimally, fishermen’s revenue only decreases by 1%. This result indicates that the industry and the fishermen should think more about how to optimally use the available limited resources. They could both gain from this.
As a byproduct of the research, we found that price adjustment to an external change is smaller in trading companies compared to fishermen. It means when herring harvests increase, export prices decrease less compared to fishermen prices. The exporting companies get an extra margin when the prices in the destination markets do not change in the same pace. It also means that when herring harvests decrease, export prices increase less compared to fishermen prices. The exporting companies get a smaller margin when the prices in the destination markets do not increase correspondingly. Suppose the quota gets smaller over the next years, compared to fishermen, trading companies are hurt more. A smaller quota makes the margins between prices at fisherman level and trade level to shrink.
In order to get a general picture of world demand, the current research does not consider the differences between the consumer markets. For example, since each market has its convention of consuming herring products, consumer behavior in the Russian and Nigeria markets might be quite different from each other. This research also does not consider the interests of the different fishing vessels and the possible reactions taken by the other herring exporting countries (e.g., Iceland and the Faroe Islands) when Norwegian fishermen adjust their harvest seasons. More detailed research can be definitely be explored.
Faktaark: Kan endret fangstmønster øke verdien av NVG sild?
FHF. Desember 2011.
Presentasjon: Kan endret fangstmønster øke verdien av NVG sild?
Handelshøyskolen i Tromsø/UiT og Capia. Formidlingssamling, 6.-7. desember 2011. Foredrag av Øystein Myrland, Jinghua Xie og Ingrid Pettersen.
Rapport: Kan endret fangstmønster øke verdien av NVG sild?
Handelshøyskolen i Tromsø/UiT og Capia. Av Øystein Myrland, Jinghua Xie, Henry W. Kinnucan og Ingrid Kristine Pettersen.
Sluttrapport: Value of Optimal Market-Oriented Harvest of Herring
Handelshøyskolen i Tromsø/UiT og Capia. Av Øystein Myrland, Jinghua Xie, Henry W. Kinnucan og Ingrid Kristine Pettersen.
Fase 1
Å avdekke og kvantifisere det økonomiske potensialet som sildenæringen kan ha ved å tilpasse høstingen av NVG-sild til perioder der markedet betaler best pris.
Dersom det økonomiske potensialet skulle vise seg å være betydelig, vil en naturlig fase 2 av dette prosjektet være å se på hvordan en faktisk kan realisere dette potensialet.
Fase 2
Å se på forhold som:
• Er det mulig å foreta en endring i retning av en mer markedstilpasset regulering av fisket?
• Hvilken effekt vil endring i kvoteåret ha på prisdannelsen?
• Hvilken effekt vil det ha dersom slike endringer bare skjer for den norske deltakelsen av fisket etter NVG-sild?
• Hvilke markedsmessige og kostnadsmessige betingelser må være oppfylt for at det økonomiske potensialet skal realiseres for å sikre flåten en sildepris på f.eks. kr 4 og industrien et brutto bidrag på kr 2 i en optimal høstingssituasjon?
Endelig rapport: 31.10.11
Presentasjon på formidlingssamling: 7.–8. desember, 2011
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel: 7.–8. desember, 2011
Forskergruppen ønsker også å formidle funn og resultater av analysen i en vitenskapelig artikkel.
Sluttrapport: Value of Optimal Market-Oriented Harvest of Herring
Handelshøyskolen i Tromsø/UiT og Capia. Av Øystein Myrland, Jinghua Xie, Henry W. Kinnucan og Ingrid Kristine Pettersen.