Salmon Price Cycles
The volatility of the salmon price has increased at short and intermediate time horizons despite a continuous increase in produced quantity and better control with the production process. Price spikes in the summer months in some years is also a new phenomenon from the turn of the century, and has been experienced in 2000, 2006, 2009, and 2010. FHF and the Research Council of Norway (NRC) have jointly funded this project at the University of Stavanger, the Norwegian University for Life Sciences and SNF to investigate causes for the increased price volatility and the occurrence of price cycles in for salmon.
The project has utilized data from Havbruksdata, FHL/Fishpool's weekly salmon prices and FAO's seafood data. The data have been used to conduct a number of econometric analyses of seafood markets with a focus on salmon.
Even though the salmon price is quite volatile, the price volatility to the fish farmer is at a similar level as for many other types of food, and lower than for most wild fish species. Important factors causing the volatility in the salmon price are unexpected temperature variations, unsuccessful changes of generations in the harvesting, MTB-regulations, the disease crises in Chile, general increases in food prices and increased input factor prices due to increased prices and price volatility for fishmeal and other meals. Fishpool has the characteristics necessary for the futures contract to be used to reduce price volatility.
In Norwegian
Resultatene viser blant annet at:
Modellen gir flere viktige innsikter for laksemarkedet:
2) det er større transmisjon av pris/volatilitetssjokk fra lavere vektklasser til større fisk.
3) Priskorrelasjon øker når prisene er lave (beholdningen er høy).
4) Prisbobler om sommeren fremkommer som et resultat av en relativ lav beholdningen av stor fisk utav den sterke vekstperioden om høsten. Dette skyldes vanligvis biofysiske forhold i Norge, men kan også skyldes økt utslakting på grunn av uvanlig gode priser om høsten. Det siste var en konsekvens av sykdomsutfordringene i Chile.
Imidlertid er det stor næringsnytte av prosjektet, ikke minst når det gjelder kunnskapsgrunnlag som utgangspunkt for rammebetingelser for næringen. Arbeidet har blitt aktivt brukt som grunnlag i arbeidet med Sjømatindustrimeldingen, i innspillsmøte om forutsigbar vekst i havbruksnæringen og i arbeidsgruppen for landbasert oppdrett.
Prosjektet avdekker interessant kunnskap om faktorer som mer elle mindre påvirker prisvariasjonene. For den enkelte aktør er det av verdi å kunne analysere disse for derved å være i stand til å redusere dem, hvilket er et mål for aktører i næringen og næringen som helhet.
1 Sluttrapport
Universitetet i Stavanger. 10. mars 2015. Av Ragnar Tveterås.
Populærformidling: Chile, sykdom og lakseprisen
Norsk fiskeoppdrett. Nr 4-2011, s. 10–13. Av Frank Asche (Universitetet i Stavanger).
Populærformidling: Lakseprisen - tilbake til normalt?
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett, nr 10-2011, s. 10–12. Av Frank Asche (Universitetet i Stavanger).
Populærformidling: Økende prisvariasjon for laks
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett, nr 4-2012. Av Frank Asche (Universitetet i Stavanger) og Atle Øglend (Universitetet i Stavanger).
Presentasjon: Lakseprisbobler
Universitetet i Stavanger. Foredrag på Havbruk 2012. 2. mai 2012. Av Frank Asche og Atle Øglend.
Presentasjon: Laksepriser og produksjonsplanlegging
Universitetet for miljø og biovitenskap. Presetnasjon på Havbruk 2012. 02. mai 2012. Av Jay Abolofia, Frank Asche og Atle G. Guttormsen,.
Presentasjon: Prisutvikling laks
Universitetet i Stavanger. Foredrag på seminar i regi av Norges sjømatråd og Nordea, Oslo 21. juni 2012. Av Frank Asche.
Presentasjon: Recent Trend in Salmon Price Volatility
University of Stavanger. Presentation at the Aquaculture Americas conference, Las Vegas, USA. 4. March 2012. By Atle Oglend.
Presentation: A welfare perspective on the Common Market Organisation (CMO) revision
University of Stavanger, Norway. EAFE discussion forum on CMO reform, European Parliament, Brussels, 06.12.2011. By Frank Asche.
Presentation: Price Spikes in Salmon Prices The Role of Unexpected Yield Variations
University of Stavanger, Norway. Presentation at AQUA 2012 in Prague. September 2012. By Frank Asche og Atle Øglend.
Rapport: Salmon Price Cycles: Kort oppsummering 10.04.2012
Universitetet i Stavanger. April 2012. Av Atle Øglend.
Scientific article: Are Prices or Biology Driving the Short-Term Supply of Farmed Salmon
Article in Marine Resource Economics, 26: 343–357, 2011. By Leif Jarle Aaheim et al.
Scientific article: Determinants of inefficiency in Norwegian salmon aquaculture
Article in Aquaculture Economics & Management, 17: 300–321, 2013. By Frank Asche and Kristin H. Roll (Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger, Norway).
Scientific article: Fish Is Food: The FAO’s Fish Price Index
Article in Plos One, vol. 7, issue 5, 2012. By Sigbjørn Tveterås et al.
Scientific article: Future challenges for the maturing Norwegian salmon aquaculture
Article in Aquaculture, 396–399: 43–50, 2013. By Frank Asche (Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger, Norway), Atle. Guttormsen (UMB school of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway) og Rasmus Nielsen (Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
Scientific article: Recent trends in salmon price volatility
Article in Aquaculture Economics & Management, 17: 281–299, 2013. By Atle Oglend (Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger, Norway).
Scientific article: Regime Shifts in the Fish MealSoybean Meal Price Ratio
Article in Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2012.00357.x. By Frank Asche, Atle Oglend og Sigbjørn Tveterås (Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger).
Scientific article: Salmon Aquaculture: Larger Companies and Increased Production
Article in Aquaculture Economics & Management, 17:322–339, 2013. By Frank Asche, Kristin H. Roll, Hilde N. Sandvold, Arne Sørvig, and Dengjun Zhang (Department of Industrial Economics, University of Stavanger).
Moreover, while high variability in profitability has followed the industry throughout its existence, the type of price peak one observed in 2000 was a new phenomenon, and there is little knowledge with respect to why this happened. As this type of peak is much more frequent in recent years (2006, 2009 and most likely 2010), it seems to be a phenomenon that is becoming a feature in the industry, and knowledge about its cause is therefore important. The fact that these price peaks do not occur every year suggest that they are not necessary. Moreover, there are a number of possible explanations for their more frequent appearance, including the innovations in Norwegian regulations, the increased share of Norway in the global salmon production and the declining growth rate in global salmon production. With the data now available, one can test the relevance of these different hypotheses in econometric analysis.
1) Why do we observe a price peak in some years?
The project includes the work of a PhD-candidate, which in the next turn will increase the knowledge base on market-oriented aspects of salmon production.
• optimal harvest models
The two approaches complement each other in that an optimal harvest model specifies behavior at a specific farm, while the price variation models investigate aggregate industry data.
Dissemination of project results
All the results from the project will be available in reports and as working papers. Further publications will be divided in two, one set directed towards the industry and stakeholders and another set directed towards the academic audience.
Publications and presentations directed towards the industry will primarily be done through articles in industry magazines like: FiskeribladetFiskaren, Fisk, industri og marked, Norsk Fiskeoppdrett and Norsk Fiskerinæring. Results will also be presented through news releases distributed to newspapers and other media, and through presentations at industry conferences and discussions with the industry as well as governmental offices.
The academic contributions will be presented at international conferences, and through publications in peer-reviewed international journals.
It is difficult to quantify the expected number of articles from this project. Industry informing articles in industry magazines are dependent upon the empirical results and to some extent on what are timely topics. However the project gives room for several articles. It is expected that there will be at least five academic journal articles, (two articles for each approach, in addition to a project summary).
1 Sluttrapport
Universitetet i Stavanger. 10. mars 2015. Av Ragnar Tveterås.