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Prosjektnummer: 900443
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 06.10.2009
Sluttdato: 15.03.2010

Workshop on the Future Environmental Labelling of Seafood

Results achieved
Summary based on specific goals for the workshop
Goal 1: Give an overview of relevant eco-labels
Informative presentations from MSC, KRAV/Debio, ASC and Icelandic label. Label owners also gave views on future trends with respect to label content and scope. Reports with the goal of presenting main properties of today’s labelling schemes was also presented, at the same time retailers pointed out that how the labels work (business-to-business or business-to-customer) needs to be clarified better in these reports.

Goal 2: Discuss if future label requirements should have a more holistic approach
Both researchers, label owners and retailers agreed on that labels should and will change in content and scope in the future. While labels today mainly focus on sustainability of fish stocks, other dimensions will be included later (e.g. climate impact, social issues, etc.).

Goal 3: Discuss if future eco-labels should have standardized minimum criteria
Several speakers agreed that standard minimum criteria can contribute to a more clear labelling regime and better understand among both industry and consumers. One even suggested that ISO can make standards for eco labelling.

Goal 4: Discuss if future eco-labels should have more quantitative criteria, and if traceability can improve transparency and trust (e.g. IUU)
Several speakers asked for more specific criteria and actions that can make eco-labels more trustworthy. Traceability was mentioned as one very relevant solution to ensure transparency and trust.

Goal 5: Discuss how eco-labels can play a more active role in development and implementation of environmentally oriented technology
Some eco-labels require use of selective gear in the fishing operation. However, this topic was not well covered during the workshop. It would be of great interest to discuss this further with label owners. Can we imagine a system where labels are indifferent with respect to gear type as long as user can document minimum environmental impact from gear.

Goal 6: Extend our network within eco-labelling and traceability, and establish a dynamic forum for future co-operation and influence
With around 100 participants the workshop has established potential expert network for further discussions and developments.
For additional information and presentations from the workshop, see the TraceFood wiki established at tracefood.sintef.no.

In Norwegian
Arrangementet ble avholdt i København 19. januar 2010. Hele 100 personer fra 15 land deltok, og man hadde engasjerte foredragsholdere fra viktige organisasjoner som FAO og EU-kommisjonen, merkeeiere som MSC og KRAV, samt store supermarkedskjeder som Royal Ahold og Waitrose. Foredragene fra arbeidsseminaret er lagt ut på prosjektets wikipedia-baserte nettside, tracefood.sintef.no.

Foreløpige konklusjoner fra 1. workshop er:
• Både forskere, merkeeiere og supermarkedskjeder tror at miljømerker vil endre fokus og innhold i fremtiden. I tillegg til å dokumentere at produktet kommer fra en bestand som er bærekraftig beskattet og regulert, vil man inkludere andre dimensjoner av bærekraft sterkere, f.eks. produktets klimapåvirkning og sosiale aspekter.
• Det bør etableres klarere regler for miljømerking med standardiserte minimumskriterier.
• Mer spesifikke og kvantitative regler kriterier vil kunne bidra til å gjøre miljømerker mer troverdige. Dersom et merke også inneholder spesifikke krav til transparens via sporbarhet og dokumentasjon av at merkekravene er oppfylt vil dette ytterligere skape tillit.
Several environmental labelling systems for both captured and farmed fish have been developed during the last decade. For the consumer and the industry the variety of different labels can be confusing and their scope and impact is unclear. A three years network project in the Nordic Minister Council has just started with the purpose to look into this area. This is the first workshop within the scope of the network.
To make an overview of some relevant labels, and discuss if the label requirements in the future should have a more holistic approach.
Expected project impact
The workshop should, by establishing a network, contribute to better knowledge on different environmental labelling systems and discuss future requirements for such labelling. 
Project design and implementation
The workshop, to be held in Copenhagen on 19 January 2010, will discuss the following questions:
• How do we navigate through the jungle of different labels and market requirements? Do standard methods for label evaluation exist?
• What specific environmental issues do the labels address? What parts of a products life cycle do the label cover?
• Can standardization of eco labelling systems with minimum criteria con tribute to a more clear regime?
• Should a future label cover several environmental impacts from the whole life cycle of the seafood product?
• What is the desired granularity of a label? Should certification be given on stock level, industry level, company level, unit level (vessel or fish farm), or product level?
• How do the labels intend to achieve improvements? Through technology development and improved practice? Change in fisheries management and quota policies?
• Is it possible to create more quantitative criteria and can traceability be used to improve transparency and trust?

Target groups
The whole seafood value chain; farmers, vessel owners, processing industry, organizations, importers, supermarkets, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governmental bodies, and researchers.
Dissemination of project results
A workshop will conribute to dissemination of knowledge per se.

A TraceFood wiki will be established on tracefood.sintef.no. Programs, documentations and presentations of the workshops will be published and available at this site in addition to FHF's website.