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Prosjektnummer: 900261
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 01.07.2008
Sluttdato: 30.06.2011

Cardiomyopathy Syndrome: A Multi-task Approach to Reduce Losses and Improve Knowledge

Results achieved
The project group emphasizes the following conclusions: 
• The results indicate that CMS has an infectious aetiology and should be treated as a potentially contagious disease.
• The histopathological cardiac changes seen in naturally occurring CMS were reproduced in the challenged fish.
• The established challenge model opens for further investigation of the pathogenesis of CMS, characteristics of the host response, isolation and characteristics of a possible causal agent and for development of disease-specific diagnostic tools.

In Norwegian
Det er i dette prosjektet gjort viktige funn som vil ha betydning for sykdomsbekjempelse og videre forskning på denne hjertesykdommen i årene fremover.

Et nytt virus som forårsaker CMS er karakterisert og vil åpne for grundigere studier av forekomst, spredningsmønster og sykdomsutvikling.

Prosjektet har avdekket en betydelig utbredelse av CMS, også i tilfeldige anlegg uten sykdomsdiagnose. Verktøy for å forbedre overvåking og kontroll av sykdommen er utviklet, og en omfattende screening for ulike virus og parasitter i oppdrettsanlegg med CMS-diagnose langs kysten har gitt oss ny og verdifull innsikt i sameksistens og utbredelse av disse.

Det er også vist at det er et betydelig potensial for å avle fram fisk med økt motstandskraft mot sykdommen, og molekylære analyser av laksens respons mot CMS har avdekket mekanismer som har betydning for beskyttelse og sykdomsutvikling.
Cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) is a severe cardiac disease in farmed Atlantic salmon. The disease has been diagnosed in Norway since mid 80s.
CMS causes significant losses for the industry in the form of mortality at seawater sites and in connection with transport to the slaughter houses. As CMS generally affects large fish, the economic losses may be substantial, even though the cumulative mortality may not be very high. However, the biomass losses are substantial since the fish are mostly above 3 kg. In the first half of 2007, the accumulated CMS related biomass losses for Marine Harvest Norway (MHN) were 1200 tonnes. Based on MHN, representing ~25% of Norwegian salmon production and assuming that MHN losses reflect an average of whole industry, overall losses for Norwegian salmon industry can be estimated to >200 mill NOK/year.
The CMS diagnosis is presently based on observations of clinical signs, autopsy and histopathology due to the lack of knowledge on aetiology, and the need to distinguish between CMS and differential diagnoses such as heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) and pancreas disease (PD).
• To identify causal factors leading to the development of CMS
• To improve diagnostic tools and suggest strategies for prevention
• To control to reduce the occurrence and consequences of the disease

1. To identify risk factors associated with CMS outbreaks by conducting an epidemiological survey.
2. To evaluate potential risk factors based on current hypotheses on environmental and nutritional impact.
3. To describe disease mechanisms with particular focus on developing a better and broader understanding of pathogenesis.
4. To develop improved diagnostic tools, to improve differentiation of related cardiac pathologies and allow for early diagnosis.
Expected project impact
The industry needs to find efficient methods for control and prevention of future outbreaks of CMS. Accordingly, to comply with the CMS disease a multi-task project is suggested.

The principal outcome for the industry is a better understanding of the causal factors and mechanisms leading to the development of CMS and improved diagnostic tools, leading to new strategies for prevention and management of CMS. 
Project design and implementation
Identification of risk factors associated with CMS will be pursued by conducting epidemiological studies together with specific experiments that are aimed at nutritional and environmental risk factors.

The mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis will be described, and improved diagnostic tools will be developed to improve differentiation of related cardiac pathologies and allow for early diagnosis. Based on this work the project will aim to identify causal factors leading to the development of CMS, improve diagnostic tools and suggest strategies for prevention and control to reduce the occurrence and consequences of the disease.

The project is divided into four main scientific work packages:
WP I: Epidemiology and pathogenesis studies.
WP II:    Infection experiments and aetiology studies.
WP III: Molecular and physiological pathogenesis.
WP IV: Development of specific or indicative markers for disease development.

A steering committee has been established consisting of one representative from each of the scientific and industry partners, incl. Norwegian Seafood Federation (FHL). The steering committee will meet regularly throughout the project and will be the responsible body for the project progressing according to scientific and economic plans.
Dissemination of project results
Results from the different WPs will be disseminated through scientific publications in international journals, as well as through oral presentations.  All participating parties also agree on the principle of immediately making any findings of importance to control CMS publicly available, e.g. through dissemination in different news magazines and aquaculture websites.