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Prosjektnummer: 511014
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 20.04.2007
Sluttdato: 30.10.2007

Nutritional requirements of fish with emphasis on Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout: A literature study by AKVAFORSK and NIFES.

Statusrapport 30.10.2009 14:32:53:
Sluttrapport 30.10.2009 14:40:12:
Se prosjekt. Dette gjelder kun faktura

30.10.2009 14:40:12 Sluttrapport:
Se prosjekt. Dette gjelder kun faktura
Forressurser: Litteraturstudie vedrørende ernæringsbehovet til fisk, med hovedfokus på laks og ørret, ved NIFES og Akvaforsk
Prosjcet summary:
With advances in husbandry, management, improved diets and genetic selection, the growth rates of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are continuously increasing. Detailed evaluations of the nutrient requirements for these important species have not kept pace with these improvements in growth, however. In addition, many of the requirements determined may not be valid because the specialized diets used in these trials did not give growth rates in line with the control diet. This is especially true for amino acid requirement studies where plant proteins or semi-purified ingredients have been employed. Nevertheless, there is a general desire for replacing fish meal and fish oil with other protein and lipid sources that are not optimally balanced. In order to utilize these alternative ingredients, either by blending them in the correct ratios or using specific supplementations, the requirements of the fish must be known.

In this literature study, we will present the nutrient requirements that have been determined for rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, with emphasis on the nutrients that most affect the growth, health and well-being of the fish and the quality of the final product. The contents of these nutrients in marine and different plant ingredients will be discussed along with comments about any negative aspects these ingredients may have for fish performance.

Kontakt person: Kjell Maroni, FoU-koordinator, Havbruk