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Prosjektnummer: 343022
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 01.08.2007
Sluttdato: 31.12.2008

Captured based aquaculture around fish farms: Developing a small scale fjord fishery

Project results
The main objective and sub-goals are partially fulfilled. Quality of wild fish aggregating around fish farms and in control areas have been successfully studied all along the Norwegian coastline (WP 1). In addition, a time series of quality of wild fish aggregating around fish farms and in control areas in one selected locality (Ryfylke) have also been performed. However, capturing wild saith in Ryfylke showed indeed to be very difficult and resulted in a smaller material than expected, although an intensive field sampling programme was conducted (October 2007, March 2008 and July 2008).

The two suggested methods (“large fish pot” and “smart net pen”) for live capture of wild fish around fish farms have also been successfully developed and tested, one of them (fish pot) with considerable success (WP 2, sub-goal 1). The other method (smart net pen) were not capable of capturing wild saith alive for storing and recovery, despite several trials over many months. Force majeure, namely the surprisingly deep habitat choice of wild saith (> 50 m. depth) around the selected fish farm (Marine Harvest's experimental farm in Ryfylke), made live capture of wild saith impossible, even though considerable effort was taken (July to October 2008). Sub-goal 2, “to study if short time storage without food can improve the quality of wild saith captured alive around fish farms” were therefore not possible to achieve and that sub-task was decided terminated in late autumn (October/November) 2008 (WP 2, sub-goal 2).

In Norwegian
Foreløpige resultater fra fisk fanget under oppdrettsanlegg og på kontrollområder langs hele norskekysten indikerer at kvalitetsforskjellene er mindre enn det som tidligere har blitt hevdet. Kun små forskjeller i smak og sensorisk filetkvalitet ble funnet mellom sei og torsk i oppdrettsintensive områder og kontrollområder i Øksfjord i Finnmark og Hitra i Trøndelag. I Ryfylke ble det imidlertid funnet noe større forskjeller og fisken som ble fanget lengst unna oppdrettsanlegg hadde noe bedre sensorisk kvalitet og smak.

For, om mulig, å fange fisken rundt oppdrettsanlegg levende har man utviklet to fangstmetoder. Den ene er en storteine som hovedsakelig er laget for å fange torsk. Den andre er en stor ruse for å fange sei. Teinen har vist seg å fungere godt både i første (våren 2008) og andre (høsten 2008) prøvefiskeperiode, og har fanget både stor torsk, sei og kveite med minimal innsats og av meget god kvalitet. Storrusen har ikke vist seg å fungere på utprøvingslokaliteten i Ryfylke, først og fremst fordi seien der står for dypt til at den er fangbar, og vil kreve ytterligere uttesting på flere lokaliteter. Potensialet for å utvikle et småskala fiskeri i oppdrettsintensive områder av levende kvalitetsfisk ved bruk av storteiner er imidlertid absolutt tilstede og bør uttestes videre, i følge forskergruppen.
When artificial structures are concentrated in large numbers in specific areas of the coastline, their synergistic effects may generate an “Artificially Created Ecosystem” (ACE). These structures will have diverse ecological effects on coastal ecosystems, maybe to a greater extent than is currently assumed.

Marine fish farms are perhaps the most important ACE’s in Norwegian coastal waters, and Norway has p.t. more than 1150 coastal farming sites. Research into the demographic effects of fish farming upon wild fishes has however received little attention, but farms may have a variety of ecological effects on associated wild fish. Of particular controversy at the moment is their likely capability of attracting large amount of wild fish, and that feeding on pellets and faeces from the farm, reduces quality of the raw material. On the other hand, if wild fish are attracted to fish farms, and the quality reductions is limited or can be improved, this behavior may provide an ideal opportunity for cost-effectively capture of fish, either besides farms or in specially constructed traps at farms.

In Norwegian
Mange arter og tildels store mengder vill marin fisk samles rundt norske oppdrettsanlegg og spiser feces og spillfôr. På grunn av dette blir det hevdet at fisken har dårligere kvalitet enn i områder uten oppdrett. Om kvaliteten ikke er vesentlig forringet, eller kan forbedres gjennom levendefangst og mellomlagring, åpner dette imidlertid også for et småskala fiskeri i oppdrettsintensive områder.
To assess quality of wild fish aggregating around fish farm in Norway, and to develop methods and equipment for live capture, storage and quality improvement in such a way that a sustainable small-scale fishing can be developed in areas of intensive aquaculture production.

• To describe quality of wild fish aggregating around fish farms and in control areas in a Norwegian wide context.
• To develop methods for live capture and recovery of fish captured around fish farms.
• To study if short time storage without food can improve quality of fish captured around fish farms.
Expected project impact
The project will assess quality of wild fish aggregating around fish farm in Norway, and methods and equipment for live capture, storage and quality improvement will be established in such a way that a sustainable small-scale fishing can be developed in areas of intensive aquaculture production.
Project design and implementation
The proposed study will describe the quality of wild fish around fish farms and in controls areas in a Norwegian wide context.

Furthermore, methods to capture alive, store and possibly improve quality of wild fish will be tested in such a way that a small-scale fishery of high-quality food can be developed in intensively farmed Norwegian fjords. This will be accomplished in close collaboration with the already funded NRC CoastACE project, and through two closely linked work packages (WP).
Dissemination of project results
• Several project reports;
• Presentations at workshops;
• Participation at public meetings;
• Articles in journals/newspapers.